Our Impact

Whether you’re commuting to work or taking a road trip, you’ll probably notice quite a few billboards along the way. Some advertise nearby fast food restaurants. Some indicate the next gas station is 5 miles ahead. Others serve a deeper purpose.

Through our pro-life billboard campaign, we sought to inform Kentucky residents about the issue of abortion and encourage them to make a stand against it.

How Effective are Billboards?

Research shows that billboards are incredibly effective—not only at getting attention but driving action! For example:

  • Billboard advertising is 382% more effective at driving online activity than TV ads[1].
  • Over 50% of people say they’ve been highly engaged by a billboard they’re seen in the last month[2].
  • 71% of people make a conscious effort to look at billboards while driving[2].
  • After seeing a billboard, 42% of people will perform an online search, while 32% will visit a website directly[3].

The Lasting Impact

Abortion now is illegal in the state of Kentucky. We are confident that our pro-life billboards have driven Kentucky residents not only to research and understand their own thoughts on the issue of abortion but to speak out, vote, and foster a culture of life in Kentucky.


Below you will find beautiful testimonials to the work God is doing in our community through Family Life Billboards. Please use the link below to share with us your testimonial of how Family Life Billboards has impacted your life and relationship with Jesus.

A mother in an unplanned pregnancy said seeing JESUS on that billboard gave her hope that HE would help her. Her baby is now over a month old!

A woman whose husband lost his job looked up as she was driving home and saw our billboard – it gave her hope and confidence to truly TRUST IN HIM! Soon, her prayer for her husband was answered and a new job was found.

I was 18 years old and I found out I was pregnant. I decided on abortion rather than be judged by people. I knew in my heart it was wrong. One day I drove past a billboard near Breckinridge Lane in Louisville. It said “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” It spoke to my heart and changed my mind. Today I have a happy healthy 4 year old son. These billboards DO work. Please keep up the amazing work. Thank you.

This past Sunday I spoke to a gentleman between Mass at St. Martin of Tours on Shelby St. where my husband and I belong. He was there to show different bulletin boards to help stop the killing of babies before they are born. I told him about the fact that we just moved to a house on West Jefferson St. six months ago. There is a car wash across the street. When we firs moved in one of your billboards were up at the car wash. It was the head of Jesus on the cross. After moving in we found the car wash was a big hang out for prostitution. It is really bad. Well, to our surprise while the sign was up the prostitution was slowed by quite a bit. The cars just would not stop under the sign. We noticed it after a few weeks and said something to one of our neighbors who has small children. After a few days he also said it had made a difference. While it was up, it was nice to look out the door and see Our Lord. Not a beer advertisement. Now the billboard is gone and the prostitution is back in full force. I hope you will put a sign back up soon. Maybe God can change their hearts and they will get off the streets. God bless you for your work.

Decker, A. (2021, June 11). Everything You Need to Know About Billboard Advertising. HubSpot Blog. Retrieved from https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/billboard-advertising?hubs_content=blog.hubspot.com

Dayton, S. (2020, December 14). Billboard Advertising Statistics, Cost & Effectiveness. Back40 Design. Retrieved from https://www.back40design.com/blog/billboard-advertising-statistics/

Brand New Nielsen Study on Billboard Advertising: High Awareness, Engagement, and Brand Action. View Chicago. (2019, May 31). Retrieved from https://www.vcoutdoor.com/blog/2019/5/29/brand-new-nielsen-study-on-billboard-advertising-high-awareness-engagement-and-brand-action